Chewing Gum History

Chewing gum is one of the oldest candies in the world. Prehistoric bodies chewed on chastening of timberline adhesive and become the first-ever gum chewers in recorded history. The aboriginal Greeks chewed on mastic, a adhesive from a timberline that grows on the island of Chios, Greece. The Mayans chewed chicle fabricated from the sap of the sapodilla tree. aboriginal American colonists chewed on timberline sap alloyed with bee's wax.

People consistently admired to chew because it bankrupt their teeth and aperitive their breath.

Wrigley\'s Chewing Gum

In 1848 the aboriginal bartering gum were produced. John B. Curtis from Maine Developed the aboriginal gum out of the adhesive from bandbox tree. His aboriginal gum was alleged "State of Maine Pure bandbox Gum." John B. Curtis and his brother were application paraffin and they bigger their gum by aggravating to put in some flavor. It was not absolutely actual tasty, but it was the aboriginal commercially awash gum. Curtis brothers accustomed the Curtis Chewing Gum Factory.

In 1869 Amos Tyler patented the aboriginal chewing gum fabricated from adhesive and olive oil.

In 1869 Antonio Lopez de Santa, a Mexican accepted and conquistador of the Alamo, came to artist Thomas Adams to advance a new anatomy of elastic application chicle. Adams produced the aboriginal modern-day chewing gum. His gum was abundant smoother and softer than beforehand bandbox gum. This gum captivated its acidity better, but botheration with acidity continued. Adams patented a gum-making machine. His chicle gum formed into balls, and captivated in black tissue paper. By 1888, an Adams' chewing gum alleged Tutti-Frutti became the aboriginal gum to be awash in a automat machine. The aboriginal automat apparatus was amid in a New York City's alms station.

Until the backward 1870s, chewing gum has little or no flavor. A druggist from Kentucky, John Colgan, Added amoroso to chicle and fabricated chewing gum a sweeter treat. However, the acidity did not aftermost for long.

Problem with captivation acidity was not anchored until 1880, back William White accumulated amoroso and blah abstract with chicle. He Added peppermint abstract and his aboriginal gum with peppermint was Yucatan gum. Peppermint acidity become an burning hit, and alike today it is still the best accepted choice.

During the aforementioned aeon Dr. Edward E. Beeman adds pepsin crumb to chicle and promotes it as a digestive aid.

In the aboriginal 1880s, the brothers, Henry and Frank Fleer, began experimenting with chicle. Frank Fleer attempted to ad-lib the aboriginal balloon gum allotment it "Blibber Blubber balloon Gum." This balloon gum was too adhesive and never awash well. You could accomplish bubbles with Blibber Blubber Bubble, but chewing was not as agreeable as it should be.

In 1899, a dentist Franklin Canning, Developed a dental gum which name was "Dentyne."

In 1891 William Wrigley Jr founded aggregation "Wrigley Chewing Gum". His aboriginal two brands, Lotta and Vassar (later and Juicy Fruit) were a big success. In 1893 Wrigley's Spearmint was introduced. after in the 1900's William Wrigley, Jr. answer Spearmint with advertising. Wrigley's Spearmint became a best seller. In 1914 Wrigley Doublemint cast was introduced.

In 1928, an agent at the Fleer Corporation Walter Diemer Accidentally founded absolute blueprint for balloon gum! His balloon gum was not sticky! Double balloon was based on aboriginal Frank Fleer formula.

The Topps aggregation came up with the abstraction of abacus baseball cards to the chewing gum in 1950. The aboriginal Sugar-free adaptation of chewing gum was alien in the backward 1950's.

Today best gums are fabricated out of blah syrup, accustomed acrylic or plastic, flavorings and softeners. They appear in abounding shapes and colors.

Chewing Gum History

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