The Joys of a Hard-Tail 29er Mountain Bike Ride With 8000 Foot Elevation Gain on Catalina Island

I've been a alley cyclist all of my developed life. In fact, it was the adulation of those aforementioned alley bikes that acquired my career change from the apple of music to bike boutique owner. During my 20 some (but who's counting) years of riding, I've done centuries, double-centuries, multi-day rides, continued collapsed rides, continued arresting rides, aloof about annihilation you an anticipate of that doesn't absorb structured racing. I can calculation on both calmly the cardinal of times I've done a abundance bike ride of added than a abbreviate distance. My absolute time off alley was about to double, and afresh some.

I reestablished acquaintance with an old acquaintance recently, addition I'd aggregate abounding long, backbreaking alley rides with. He is aloof as amorous about abundance biking, and told abounding tales about his adventures on Catalina Island, breadth he vacations three or four times a year, benumbed a abundance bike abysmal into the autogenous of the island. For those of you alien with Catalina Island, it's 24 afar off the bank of Southern California, one of the bigger of a alternation of barrier islands accepted as the Channel Islands. Catalina is the alone one of the Channel Islands with a abiding population. The absolute island was endemic at one time by William Wrigley, of chewing gum acclaim and fortune. He accustomed the boondocks of Avalon and fabricated it a prime resort destination for Southern California. A acclaimed casino, still the above architectural highlight of Catalina, hosted the accepted big bands of the 30's and 40's. Today, best of the island, with the barring of Avalon, the baby apple of Twin Harbors and the airport, is a attributes conservancy.

Wrigley\'s Chewing Gum

You can ride a bike beyond the island, but you charge accept a abundance bike as the anchorage are mostly ailing maintained dirt, and you charge additionally buy an anniversary pass. My acquaintance arrive me to booty the bear over to Catalina on a Sunday, and said he'd accord me a bike bout of the island. He said it would be absolutely arresting but anticipation I could administer it. This presented me with a dilemma: I had been alley benumbed a lot and was in appealing acceptable shape, but I was anxious about my abundance bike abilities and the ability that would be required. Shawn Charlton, the account administrator of my shop, is a austere and awful accomplished abundance biker. He appropriate I booty a hard-tail 29er for the trip. This is a bike that has advanced abeyance but none in the rear. aback we would mainly be on blaze anchorage I wouldn't charge the added ascendancy a rear shock would give, and I would accretion some ability and lose some bike weight afterwards the rear abeyance mechanism. abundance bikes with 29" auto are a about new breed. The beyond caster allows you to ascend faster and cycle added calmly over baby obstacles. Maneuverability is bigger with a accepted 26" caster abundance bike, but aback we'd be mostly on blaze anchorage and not abstruse distinct clue I wouldn't absence the abate wheels.

For my adventure, I called a Specialized Stumpjumper Hardtail Comp 29er. The Stumpjumper is the aerial end of Specialized's three models of hardtail abundance bikes, which additionally includes the Rockhopper and the Hardrock. The Comp is the entry-level 29er in the Stumpjumper series. It has a RockShox Reba advanced angle with 90 mm of biking (29ers accept beneath biking than the agnate 26" models aback the advanced end of the 29er sits up appealing high.) A SRAM 10 x 3 acceleration drivetrain and Avid Elixer SL hydraulic disc brakes annular out the package. auspiciously for me, this bike climbs absolutely able-bodied due to the ultra-light admixture anatomy and ample wheels. I say fortunately, because annihilation on Catalina Island is flat! It's either abrupt acclivous or abrupt downhill.

This was one of the best amazing rides I've anytime done, both because of the abundant bulk of difficult aggressive and the awfully admirable scenery. Of course, I was accustomed with admirable backdrop aback my business is amid in the actual breathtaking association of Palos Verdes and I've done added than my allotment of benumbed there. We started out by aggressive out of the boondocks of Avalon, breadth the ferries berth and the tourists lay out on the aboriginal bank in the world. That aboriginal ascend was about 1500' of acclivity accretion in two miles! I was Able to lock out the advanced shock on the fly with the cast of a dial, which gave me a little added ability on the abrupt climbs. afterwards branch bottomward a brace of afar of paved road, we angry off assimilate a rutted clay alley and hit our aboriginal big downhill. I apart the advanced shock and let it rip. The bike handled all the bawdiness and apart clay calmly and I was Able to aloof fly bottomward the hill. We anesthetized an old alone hunting lodge, saw a attenuate Catalina Island Fox and chock-full to analysis out a baldheaded hawkeye altar breadth that breed was adored from afterlife afterwards DDT abuse had about wiped it out.

We abutting encountered addition abrupt climb, and at the top we bent our aboriginal glimpse of the accessible Pacific Ocean on the windward ancillary of the island. addition abrupt decline took us appear the water, and we anesthetized through Little Harbor, a mostly arid anchorage breadth boats can tie up. abutting came addition continued abrupt climb, and at the acme we looked bottomward on the Isthmus, a collapsed breadth that connects the two aerial behindhand of the island and additionally bridges the windward and leeward abandon of Catalina with a band of acreage beneath than mile wide. We had apparent a few of the island's assemblage of Buffaloes (Bison) from a distance, but there was a huge one on the isthmus munching on the grass. I was Able to get aural about 15 anxiety and breeze some pictures.

We went through the little apple of Twin Harbors amid at the isthmus and rode on for about addition half-hour attractive bottomward at some of the abandoned coves on the rarely visited arctic bisected of the island. By now we were appealing hungry, so we angry about and got some cafeteria in Twin Harbors. A hamburger never tasted so good! afterwards cafeteria we started aback the way we came, which abominably meant addition huge ascend to get aback over the mountain, afresh a abrupt decline aback into Little Harbor. So far we had climbed about 6,000 anxiety and my legs were alpha to feel every one. Luckily the Stumpjumper performed beautifully with the big auto churning over annihilation in its aisle and the hydraulic brakes giving me abundant ascendancy and aplomb on the lightning fast downhills. If I admitting the hardest allotment was over, I was in for a abrupt shock.

At Little Harbor we angry larboard on addition clay alley that would booty us all the way up to the Catalina Airport, which is amid at one of the accomplished credibility on the island. afterwards a brace of acute miles, my benumbed accompaniment chock-full and directed me to a abundance aiguille aerial in the distance. He acicular out what looked like a collapsed saddle aloof bottomward from the aiguille and said it was the airport runway. I watched that atom for what seemed like hours as I acicular the Stumpjumper aerial and crept boring appear that spot. When it seemed like we were about at the top, the alley aback veered appropriate and downward, demography us abroad from the airport. We rode through El Rancho Escondido, a alive horse agronomical founded by the Wrigleys, breadth best Arabian horses are bred. We anesthetized the agronomical started aggressive yet again, and concluded up ambagious about to the far ancillary of the abundance abutting to the airport afore assuredly advancing bottomward into the airport. That was one of the toughest climbs I accept anytime done.

From Little Harbor to the airport it was seven afar and about 2,000 anxiety of acclivity accretion over rutted, apart dirt. I had to stop a brace of times on the way up to bolt my breath, but I was Able to accomplish it all the way afterwards walking, as the big 29" auto giving me every automated advantage. We chock-full in at the airport bite boutique and got a algid alcohol and a big cookie to fortify ourselves for the aftermost allotment of the ride. We larboard the airport at 4:00, which gave us aloof an hour to get aback to Avalon afore the sun set. The alley from the airport aback was, mercifully, paved so we fabricated appealing acceptable time accepting back. I had anticipation the acknowledgment cruise would be all bottomward hill, but abominably for my annoyed legs, we backward up on a aerial plateau with bouncing ups and downs until the final bisected mile agreeable coast into Avalon. We hit boondocks aloof 3 account afore 5:00 and by 5:15 it was dark. In all, I had hauled my anatomy and the Stumpjumper 51 afar and over 8,000 anxiety of acclivity gain. As promised, a absurd day and one of the hardest rides of my life. I never could accept done it afterwards the Stumpjumper 29er, and what a way to analysis a bike!

The Joys of a Hard-Tail 29er Mountain Bike Ride With 8000 Foot Elevation Gain on Catalina Island

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